Monday 8 October 2012

Time and free speech

Unfortunately my current lifestyle is proving that I don't have the time for this blog that I would like.
At the same time there has been some clear sighted discussion in, at least, The Australian about free speech. An issue close to my heart. I'm glad it's getting the attention it needs as a cornerstone... the keystone of democracy. Without the freedom to criticise the government, companies, representative bodies, other organisations, and religions, people are subject to the potential tyranny of those institutions, inevitably limiting other basic freedoms. I'm astounded at the irony of people enjoying their freedom of expression calling for limitations on the free expression of others. Sure express your disgust at their views, do debate the merits of their utterances, but calling for limits on their voice? It's just a small step then to screaming for their suppression and baying for their heads. Where have we seen that recently. We still have anti-defamation laws in Australia and other liberal democracies, people can and do vote with their feet, their dollars and their ears. So what's the problem with other people saying unpalatable things, just because it upsets your sensibilities and your moral outrage. No media reform in Australia thankyou, we have enough. And no limits on free speech!